Punarnavarishta is an ayurvedic medicine used for liver disorders, jaundice, anemia, gout, heart diseases, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, oedema, renal failure and gastrointestinal diseases.
Ingredients (Composition)
The main ingredient of this remedy is Punarnava (Boerhavia Diffusa).
Medicinal Properties
Punarnavarishta has following healing properties.
Ø Anti-inflammatory
Ø Anti-arthritic
Ø Mild Anti-hypertensive
Ø Carminative
Ø Haematinic (increases hemoglobin levels)
Ø Hematogenic (helps in formation of red blood cells)
Ø Lowers bilirubin
Ø Anti-gout
Ø Mild Analgesic
Ø Lithontriptic (lithotriptic) – dissolving kidney stone
Ø Diuretic
Benefits & Medicinal Uses
Punarnavarishta is a superb anti-inflammatory and diuretic remedy, which provides relief in heart, kidney and liver disorders.
Congestive Heart Failure
However, Punarnavarishta is not a potent remedy to treat congestive heart failure, but it is given as adjuvant for supporting Tapyadi Loha, Terminalia Arjuna Bark Powder and other beneficial remedies used to treat congestive heart failure. It reduces workload on the heart by reducing edema.
Punarnavarishta helps anemic patients suffering with appetite loss and weakness. It promotes formation of the red blood cells. However, iron supplement should be taken with Punarnavarishta.
Fatty liver (Hepatic Steatosis)
Punarnavarishta alongside Arogyavardhini Vati helps reducing the fat accumulated on the liver. It is effective in both cases – Alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Gout & High Uric Acid Level in the blood
Punarnavarishta or Punarnavasavam is an excellent remedy for elevated uric acid level. It increases the uric acid secretion through the kidneys.
The general dosage of Punarnavarishta is as follows.
Ø Children : 2 teaspoons (10 ml) *
Ø Adults : 3 to 6 teaspoons (15 ml to 30 ml) *
Ø Maximum Daily Dosage : 12 teaspoons (60 ml) **
Ø Twice a day with equal amount of water ** Total daily dosage should be taken in divided doses
Caution & Side Effects
Punarnavarishta is probably going SAFE & WELL TOLERABLE within the dosage described above. In rare cases, some people may feel burning sensation within the throat. This problem occurs when Punarnavarishta is taken either on empty stomach or without mixing an appropriate amount of water.
Notice: Please consult your doctor before following any instruction of www.myonlinedoctor.co.in